PreCleaning Checklist

Any items you want cleaned under move off the carpet prior to arrival.

We can clean around any furniture that you don't want to move.

Leave parking accesses for our vans and hoses. 

Pre-vacuming is helpful but not necessary.

If you are concerned about dry time, running fans after the cleaning and turning on your central air will help decrease your dry time. 

We accept payment in check, cash, venmo, or cards. There is a 4% processing fee to run a card.

Find Pet & Deep Stains

Even if you don't know were Clifford soiled the carpet, we can save the day. Using a UV light, we can identify trouble areas and apply pet odor and stain remover.  

Pets are no problem. We use a counter rotating brush or rotary brush bringing up hidden pet hair for a difference you can see and feel.

Hot Water Extraction

With over 10 years of experience we have seen both dry carpet cleaning and hot water steam cleaning. Each has merit but to properly get the dirt out of your carpets we highly recommend a hot water steam extraction cleaning. Other companies claim to have fast drying times but buffering the surface of the carpets with a wet bonnet in a carpet cleaning service will not penetrate deep into the carpet fibers like a professional steam cleaning will. Rinsing the carpets with hot water will penetrate deep into the carpets fibers for better healthier results this is worth a longer drying time. To properly get down deep in your residential, commercial, or rental properties we use a commercial grade steam cleaning extraction system that has proven to leave real results.

Red Stain Removal

When the stains are red or deep, we utilize advanced cleaning and steaming methods to restore carpets to their original color. This process takes more time and is an up charge. If you have a red stain, give us a call for more information.


See carpet cleaning in action.


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